martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Be fit from your body to mind.

How you have been realized, London is not known by the quality of his kitchen dishes and food. I don't know why but if you visit any supermarket or bar/restaurant usually they offer you done-meals. Meals with BBQ sauce or 600 calories just in one cookie. Is good to eat and enjoy this kind of meals, but not for a while. But I can guarantee you that probably you will put on weight because of the change of habitat. And here I introduce what is known as "culture shock". 

You are in a new city, alone (in my case). Everything and everybody is new for you. You are like a baby, a little boy who needs to learn again, start from 0. The first thing that you probably should do is to compare with your old traditions. But this is the common mistake. You can't compare things that are completely different, because if you do it, then homesickness and boredom comes to you. And finally an early withdrawal. You chose the challenge, and you chose the change in your life.  This is a culture shock, the process that everyone follows when there is a change in his life, normally when you are in another country. I'm from Spain and few months ago I come to England absolutely alone. Ive never been here before and everything was new. The first few weeks i used to think "English people do everything the other way round from the rest of the world: they always should be on the left side, they have dinner at 7 o'clock, they have tea at 5 without a small nap after lunch". You feel like being on another planet. But just for a few days. Thanks to the globalization and another culture and to suffer from culture shocks consequences its the very usual nowadays. The current day -to- day require an awareness about difference cultures, and in the fashion and design area is one of the most important business. 

After this drag I would like to give you some tips about gyms! Gyms are another "exception" of the theory spreads about the expensive London. Personally I found a great gym closer my house (2 minutes by bus, 1 stop!!!) and I pay 30 pounds per month. I said its cheaper because with the same conditions and machines in Spain I paid 55 pounds! So, here the names: 

- Fit4less: Is a franchise in London, so you can write the name on google and find the most closer to you. It cost 29/m + fee for registration first day. But if your expectations are being here around 1 year or more, with contract you can join the gym for 21 pounds/m. Curiosity:  there is a sun bed inside the changing rooms that it works by coins/minute! 

- The Gym. The word says what it is. It is a group as well. You can pay as you go if you want to join just one day: 5pounds. in order to join it the price is from 10.99 pounds/month. Very cheap! Find yours!. Curiosity: it is open 24 hours.  

take care :)  

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